Learning PHP 8.1 Fibers using Tests

PHP 8.1 introduced the new Fiber class (see the proposed RFC here https://wiki.php.net/rfc/fiber), which allows running coroutines inside your script, i.e. two functions executing simultaneously

Database-oriented Strategy configuration

This article describes a way of implementing Strategy design pattern using a database-based runtime configuration. The approach allows to dynamically (re)configure class behavior without requiring code-based rearrangements.

Create LazyCollection from API resource

Laravel 6 introduced the LazyCollection, a different kind of collection which exploits php generators to save memory usage. While data fetching from database is natively managed by eloquent, Web API-based data fetching is not provided. This article describes how to use a paginated api endpoint to fetch data to a LazyCollection instance.

I am Roberto Gallea. I was born on 19 February 1983 in Palermo, Italy. I still live in Palermo, where I am married to Renata.

I am a PhD in computer science working at the University of Palermo, Italy. I am involved in all kinds of technical stuff, both software and hardware, applied to several fields, such as data science, multimedia, electronics, computer vision, digital arts and others.

I am also passionate about woodwork. I like to embed technology into traditional designs.

I like to collaborate with (digital) artists for achieving unique performances based on movement.

I also organized TEDxCarini and TEDxOretoRiver, independent TEDx events in my local community.