Design patterns in PHP: Strategy

This tutorial describes a TDD approach to refactor code to Strategy pattern. Starting from working code and some test, refactoring steps are applied to obtain cleaner code

Learning PHP 8.1 Fibers using Tests

PHP 8.1 introduced the new Fiber class (see the proposed RFC here https://wiki.php.net/rfc/fiber), which allows running coroutines inside your script, i.e. two functions executing simultaneously

Laravel Visitor

LaravelVisitor is a Visitor Design Pattern implementation for Laravel. It allows to easily execute processing of collections of arbitrary elements, without requiring to use repeated conditionals, thus improving code abstraction.

I am Roberto Gallea. I was born on 19 February 1983 in Palermo, Italy. I still live in Palermo, where I am married to Renata.

I am a PhD in computer science working at the University of Palermo, Italy. I am involved in all kinds of technical stuff, both software and hardware, applied to several fields, such as data science, multimedia, electronics, computer vision, digital arts and others.

I am also passionate about woodwork. I like to embed technology into traditional designs.

I like to collaborate with (digital) artists for achieving unique performances based on movement.

I also organized TEDxCarini and TEDxOretoRiver, independent TEDx events in my local community.