Laravel: Rendering view as file donwload

More than once I needed to render a laravel view as a downlodable file. This task could be easily accomplished

TDD implementation of Finite State Machine (FSM) with Laravel

This article describes a TDD (Test Driven Development) approach to implement a Finite State Machine (FSM) using PHP+Laravel. However, such method is general and could be used in the programming language of your choice.

State pattern implementation of finite state machine (FSM) with Laravel

In the previous article TDD IMPLEMENTATION OF FINITE STATE MACHINE (FSM) WITH LARAVEL I discussed a basic approach for implement a Finite State Machine (FSM) on a Laravel model. In this article I will further discuss the topic by applying a more engineered approach. It involves the usage of the State pattern

Laravel tutorial

This page contains all the material related to the meeting series about Laravel Development held at Magneti Cowork, Palermo, Italy.

PHP/Laravel Library for Tado API

I released on GitHub a PHP library for querying and editing data on the Tado Thermostat System. It is integrated in Laravel 5.x for quick setup in this excellent framework.

Laravel Visitor

LaravelVisitor is a Visitor Design Pattern implementation for Laravel. It allows to easily execute processing of collections of arbitrary elements, without requiring to use repeated conditionals, thus improving code abstraction.

Create LazyCollection from API resource

Laravel 6 introduced the LazyCollection, a different kind of collection which exploits php generators to save memory usage. While data fetching from database is natively managed by eloquent, Web API-based data fetching is not provided. This article describes how to use a paginated api endpoint to fetch data to a LazyCollection instance.

Database-oriented Strategy configuration

This article describes a way of implementing Strategy design pattern using a database-based runtime configuration. The approach allows to dynamically (re)configure class behavior without requiring code-based rearrangements.

What's behind Laravel Encryption/Decryption

My system is safe, it uses encryption. You heard/said this from time to time. Sure, but why and how is it safe? Do you really know this?

Laravelday 2021 workshop

Questa pagina contiene le istruzioni per predisporre tutto il necessario per partecipare al workshop del Laravelday 2021

Sending a test email from a Laravel application

Learn how to send a test email from a Laravel app

Create a custom validation rule with string alias

In this tutorial I will show how to define a Laravel validation rule providing a custom alias string to use in custom validation classes.