Laravelday 2021 workshop

Questa pagina contiene le istruzioni per predisporre tutto il necessario per partecipare al workshop del Laravelday 2021

Category: Development
Subcategories: Development
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Laravelday 2021 workshop
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Applicazioni complesse con Laravel [GrUSP Academy - PHP Masterclass]

Questa pagina contiene le istruzioni per predisporre tutto il necessario per partecipare alla masterclass del GrUSP

Design patterns in PHP: Strategy

This tutorial describes a TDD approach to refactor code to Strategy pattern. Starting from working code and some test, refactoring steps are applied to obtain cleaner code

Laravel Visitor

LaravelVisitor is a Visitor Design Pattern implementation for Laravel. It allows to easily execute processing of collections of arbitrary elements, without requiring to use repeated conditionals, thus improving code abstraction.

Database-oriented Strategy configuration

This article describes a way of implementing Strategy design pattern using a database-based runtime configuration. The approach allows to dynamically (re)configure class behavior without requiring code-based rearrangements.